Saturday, April 18, 2009

Street Photography ?

Don't know what is street photography? don't worry today is information age, any information is easy to gain not like stone age. So let we see some definition of street photography below:

Defining street photography might do injustice to it's free, liberated and completely non-uniform nature; however, I am so frequently asked about it that I decided to give it a try despite the possible disservice.

Simply put street photography includes any photograph made anywhere in public places. Some people narrow it down to urban settings and some people think there must be people present in these kinds of photos. But the bottom line is that each street photographer will find their own meaning and approach therefore whatever definition they might arrive at will work just as well.

The purpose of street photography will again vary from one street photographer to another. Some photographers are interested in simply and honestly documenting life as they see it, at times adding their own interpretation to the scene. Some want to make artistic photographs of available street scenes and others basically enjoy taking pictures and do it purely for the pleasure of it.

As you probably guessed already the methods of shooting street photographs vary greatly amongst different photographers�

And so clearly street photography has no need for any set of rules and guidelines on HOW IT SHOULD BE DONE, and better be independently created and elaborated by the photographer.

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Over the last few decades the phrase ‘Street Photography’ has come to mean a great deal more than simply making exposures in a public place.

Primarily Street Photography is not reportage, it is not a series of images displaying, together, the different facets of a subject or issue. For the Street Photographer there is no specific subject matter and only the issue of ‘life’ in general, he does not leave the house in the morning with an agenda and he doesn’t visualise his photographs in advance of taking them. Street Photography is about seeing and reacting, almost by-passing thought altogether.

For many Street Photographers the process does not need ‘unpacking’, It is, for them, a simple ‘Zen’ like experience, they know what it feels like to take a great shot in the same way that the archer knows he has hit the bullseye before the arrow has fully left the bow. As an archer and Street Photographer myself, I can testify that, in either discipline, if I think about the shot too hard, it is gone.

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So the conclusion that the street photography is an simple picture we take on the way we life, any way it is. It can be take on street, shop, park, mall, police station, school,...etc with any object like, people, bird, chair, car, bus, building, old stuff....etc without any scenario or any preparation of moment.

It's just my opinion of the definition of street photograph to share to the other. Thanks

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